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Key Remapper 4dots IconKey Remapper 4dots V2.4

Przemapowanie klawiszy klawiatury i myszy za pomocą Key Remapper 4dots

Remap keyboard keys and mouse buttons with Key Remapper - Remap key with another key, program, system function, mouse function, text, media key !
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Przemapuj klawisze klawiatury

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Przemapuj przyciski myszy

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Przemapuj klucz z programem

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Przemapuj klucz z funkcją systemu (wyłączenie, hibernacja, uśpienie, zablokowanie itd)

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Przemapuj klucz za pomocą przycisku myszy

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Przemapuj klucz z niestandardowym tekstem

With Key Remapper 4dots you can remap a key with another key or key combination.
With Key Remapper 4dots you can remap a key with another key or key combination.
Remap keyboard keys or remap mouse buttons to another key, program, system function, mouse button, contents of text file, text, media key e.t.c.
Remap keyboard keys or remap mouse buttons to another key, program, system function, mouse button, contents of text file, text, media key e.t.c.
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Przemapuj klucz z zawartością pliku tekstowego

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Przemapuj klucz z kluczem medialnym (głośność w górę, głośność w dół, wyciszenie itd.)

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Przemapuj klawisze klawiatury nawet w Windows Logon and Lock Screen

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Przemapuj klawisze klawiatury zawsze, dla konkretnego programu, w oparciu o harmonogram czasowy

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Uruchom automatycznie przy starcie systemu Windows ukryte

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Wielojęzyczne i przetłumaczone na 39 różnych języków

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Płać również z Paypal.

System Requirements
Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, 2003 and XP. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions

Do you want to remap keyboard keys with another key ? Do you want to remap mouse buttons ?

Then try Key Remapper 4dots. With Key Remapper 4dots you can easily remap key or remap mouse buttons with another key, program, mouse button, custom text, contents of text file, system function or even media, web browser or app key..

This means you can then create shortcuts and simply press a key to run a specific program or press a key to print custom text or even contents of text file.

With Key Remapper 4dots you can also just press a key for a system function (hibernate, shutdown, sleep e.t.c.) or a media key such as volume up, volume down, mute e.t.c.

With Key Remapper 4dots you can also press a key to click a mouse button key

You can also specify whether to remap keys always, or for a specific application only or on schedule.

The application is also multilingual and translated into 39 different languages.

What's New in Version 1.10 :
Fixed bug : Fixed bug related to keyboard hooking.

What's New in Version 1.4 :
Fixed bug : Fixed bug related to keyboard hooking.

What's New in Version 1.0 :
Initial Release