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Key Remapper 4dots IconScreenshots - Key Remapper 4dots

Remap keyboard keys and mouse buttons with Key Remapper - Remap key with another key, program, system function, mouse function, text, media key !
Remap keyboard keys and mouse buttons with Key Remapper - Remap key with another key, program, system function, mouse function, text, media key !
With Key Remapper 4dots you can remap a key with another key or key combination.
With Key Remapper 4dots you can remap a key with another key or key combination.
Remap keyboard keys or remap mouse buttons to another key, program, system function, mouse button, contents of text file, text, media key e.t.c.
Remap keyboard keys or remap mouse buttons to another key, program, system function, mouse button, contents of text file, text, media key e.t.c.
Keyboard remapper - Remap any key or mouse button to media key or webbrowser key or app key
Keyboard remapper - Remap any key or mouse button to media key or webbrowser key or app key
With Key Remapper 4dots you can quickly paste text with key combination.
With Key Remapper 4dots you can quickly paste text with key combination.
With Key Remapper 4dots with a single keystroke or key combination you can execute a system function such as shutdown, sleep, hibernate e.t.c.
With Key Remapper 4dots with a single keystroke or key combination you can execute a system function such as shutdown, sleep, hibernate e.t.c.
With Key Remapper 4dots with a key combination you can execute applications.
With Key Remapper 4dots with a key combination you can execute applications.
You can also remap a key to a mouse function such as left mouse click e.t.c.
You can also remap a key to a mouse function such as left mouse click e.t.c.
You can also paste the entire contents of text files with a key or key combination.
You can also paste the entire contents of text files with a key or key combination.