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Key Remapper 4dots IconHow to Use - Key Remapper 4dots

How to remap keyboard keys with Key Remapper 4dots

Key Remapper 4dots - Main Screen

How to specify which Key to remap

To remap a key or key oombination :

1. Check the "Key" checkbox on the upper left of your screen.

2. Enter the desired key or key combination in the "Key" text box (1) or press the select button that is next to it .

You can also disable a key combination that includes modifier keys such as Control key, Shift key, Alt key, Windows key e.t.c.

In order to do that, press the key combination in the "Key" text box or another way to do that is to simply press the key without the modifier keys and then check the desired modifier keys checkboxes afterwards.

3. Press the "Add" button (2).

4. In the new screen that will appear, set the desired Disable Mode (always, for a specific program or based on a time and week schedule).

5. To start disabling this key and hide the application press on the "OK" button (5). If you want to add new keys to disable simple repeat steps 1. and 2.

Remap Key Modes

Key Remapper 4dots - Disable Modes

When you specify a new key to remap and have pressed on the "Add" button (2) another screen will appear where you have to specify the remap mode.

You can choose whether to remap key always the key, remap the key only for a specific program or based on a time and week schedule.

To remap the key only for a specific program it is necessary to specify the program name (filename without the extension .exe) or simply you can press the "Browse" button on the right of the screen and select the program file executable.

To remap the key based on a time and week schedule it is necessary to specify the schedule start and end time and also you can specify the days for which the key should get disabled by checking and unchecking the appropriate day checkboxes.

Key Remapper 4dots - Disable based on schedule

Finally, press on the "OK" button. You can now specify another key to disable.

How to start remapping the keys

To start remapping the keys press on the "Remap Keys" button on the main screen (5). It is necessary though before to have specified which keys to remap.

How to restore a previously remapped key

In order to enable a previously remapped key, you will have to select the key row on the grid (3) and press the "Remove" button on the right (4). If you have remapped the key for multiple conditions then you will have to remove all rows of that key. Afterward, press the "OK" button on the main screen.

How to temporarily restore all keys

To temporarily restore all keys press on the "Restore Keys" button in the main screen.

How to remap keys automatically at Windows startup

To remap automatically the specified keys at windows startup you have to check the "Run on Windows Startup" menu item in the "Options" menu.

How to remap a key for all modifier key combinations

To remap a key for all modifier key combinations check the "All Combinations" checkbox of the "Modifier Keys" section.

How to remap keys even on the Windows Logon and Lock Screen

To remap keys automatically even on the Windows Logon and Workstation Lock screen check the "Remap Keys on the Windows Logon Screen" menu item of the "Options" menu. After that, restart the application and press the "Remap Keys" button to remap the keys.

How to remap mouse buttons

1. To remap the mouse check on the "Mouse" checkbox that is on the upper side of the screen and then press on the "Select" button.

Key Remapper 4dots - Disable Mouse

2. Then in the new screen that will appear check on the mouse buttons you want and you can also specify if you want to disable the mouse buttons only if the cursor is on a specific area of the screen.

3. Press on the "Add" button and then specify the key modes as was described earlier.

Key Remapper 4dots - Keyboard remapper

How to remap keyboard keys or mouse buttons

1. To remap keyboard keys or mouse buttons with this keyboard remapper and mouse remapper. Simply select the key you want to remap by entering it in the "Key" textbox or by pressing the "Select" button.

2. Afterwards, check the "Remap" checkbox

3. Then in the new screen that will appear you can specify to remap the key or mouse button to another key, another program, mouse button, contents of text file, text, system function or a media key, webbrowser key or app key.

You can add more than one items. This means you can specify to execute a sequence of actions when you press a key or mouse button.

Key Remapper 4dots - Keyboard remapper

Remap keyboard key with another key(s).

Key Remapper 4dots - Keyboard remapper

Remap keyboard key or mouse button with contents of text file.

Key Remapper 4dots - Keyboard remapper

Remap keyboard key with program.

Key Remapper 4dots - Keyboard remapper

Remap keyboard key with system function

Key Remapper 4dots - Keyboard remapper

Remap keyboard key with text.

Key Remapper 4dots - Keyboard remapper

Remap keyboard key with media key, webbrowser key or app key.

How to use same Settings for all Windows Users

To use settings for all Windows users check the "Use these Settings for all Windows Users" checkbox. Then the current user settings will be used for all Windows users. The user should have administrator priviledges.

How to Register and Buy the application

You can buy our application by visiting the product page on our site and then press the "Buy" button.
Alternatively, just start the application and press on the Buy button and you will redirected to our store webpage. (2)
After buying the application a registration code will be sent to you via email within minutes.
To register the application and unlock all its functionality and remove the nag screen just press on the "Register" button (1).

Key Remapper 4dots - Register - Buy

Then in the registration screen enter the registration code in the textbox and press on the "Register" button (1).

How to change user interface language

When the application is first started it asks you for your desired user interface language.

You can also change the user interface language from the "Language" menu.
