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Split PDF Documents, Merge PDF Documents and extract or delete pages from them.  Free PDF Splitter Merger

How to delete pages from pdf

To delete pages from pdf , at first select the "Split / Delete Pages / Extract Pages" tab.

Then, add the documents from which to delete pages by pressing the "Add File" button. You can also add the contents of entire directories by pressing the "Add Directory" button.

Alternatively, you can simply drag and drop pdf document files from windows explorer to the list and they will be added automatically.

After having specified the documents from which you want to delete pages, press the "Delete Pages" button.

Then, the options screen will show up.

There you can specify which pages to delete.You can specify to delete page ranges, or the option to deete even or odd pages only of a specific page range. Also, it can be specified only to delete pages containing a specific text in them and it can also be specified to delete only every n th page.

Document properties such as title, author, subject and keywords can be set.

Also, the documents can be encrypted with an owner and user password.

A custom document header and footer can be set and positioned, or a custom header or footer image can be specified.

Free PDF Splitter Merger - Delete Pages Options
