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Split PDF Documents, Merge PDF Documents and extract or delete pages from them.  Free PDF Splitter Merger

Command Prompt

It is also possible to execute the application from the command prompt.

The usage of the application is the following :

Merges, splits , extracts and deletes pages from Pdf Files.
FreePDFSplitterMerger.exe [-merge|-split|-delete|-extract] [[file|directory]]
file : one or more pdf or image files to be processed.
directory : one or more directories containing pdf or images files to be processed.
pagefrom: process pages from
pageto: process pages to
pagerange : page ranges
pageevenfrom: process even pages from
pageevento: process even pages to
pageoddfrom: process odd pages from
pageoddto: process odd pages to
pageevery: process every PAGE_EVERY_VALUE pages
pageeveryfrom: process every PAGE_EVERY_VALUE pages starting from this value
pageeveryto: process every PAGE_EVERY_VALUE pages starting till this value
pagecontaining: process only pages containing text
title : Document title
author: Document author
subject: Document subject
keywords: Document keywords
userpassword: Document user password
ownerpassword: Document owner password
subdirs : process also subdirectories of specified directories
noexistingbookmarks : do not add existing bookmarks to output file
splitbookmarks: split document by bookmarks on this level value
splitblank : split document by number of continuous blank pages
headertext: Header text
footertext : Footer Text
outfilename : Output filename pattern. Enter [page] for page number and [file] for filename.
outfolder: Output folder value (if different than the folder of the first file)
/? : show help


For example, to merge Pdf Documents "c:\Users\alex\Documents\receipt1.pdf","c:\Users\alex\Documents\receipt2.pdf","c:\Users\alex\Documents\receipt3.pdf" we would execute the following :

FreePDFSplitterMerger.exe -merge -outfilename:"receipt.merged.pdf" "c:\Users\alex\Documents\receipt1.pdf" "c:\Users\alex\Documents\receipt2.pdf" "c:\Users\alex\Documents\receipt3.pdf"

For example, to merge Pdf Documents "receipt1.pdf","receipt2.pdf","receipt3.pdf" to the output file "receiptsJan2017.pdf", without adding existing bookmarks to the output we would execute the following :

FreePDFSplitterMerger.exe -merge -outfilename:receiptsJan2017.pdf -noexistingbookmarks receipt1.pdf receipt2.pdf receipt3.pdf

To merge the pages 10 to 25 of the Pdf Documents "c:\Users\alex\Documents\book1.pdf" and "c:\Users\alex\Documents\book2.pdf" we would execute the following :

FreePDFSplitterMerger.exe -merge -outfilename:"book.merged.pdf" -pagefrom:10 -pageto:25 "c:\Users\alex\Documents\book1.pdf" "c:\Users\alex\Documents\book2.pdf"

For example, to split the Pdf Document "c:\Users\alex\Documents\book1.pdf" based on the second level of bookmarks we would execute the following :

FreePDFSplitterMerger.exe -split -outfilename:"book1.[page].pdf" -splitbookmarks:2 "c:\Users\alex\Documents\book1.pdf"

For example, to split the Pdf Document "c:\Users\alex\Documents\book1.pdf" every 20 pages and to set an owner password for the files , we would execute the following :

FreePDFSplitterMerger.exe -split -outfilename:"book1.[page].pdf" -pageevery:20 -ownerpassword:"mypassword" "c:\Users\alex\book1.pdf"

For example, to extract even pages from 10 to 40 of Pdf Document "c:\Users\alex\book1.pdf" and to set the title property of the documents , we would execute the following :

FreePDFSplitterMerger.exe -extract -outfilename:"[file].extracted.[page].pdf" -pageevenfrom:10 -pageevento:40 -title:"DocumentTitle" "c:\Users\alex\book1.pdf"

You can also put the input parameter values to the output filename.

For example, to split the Pdf Document "c:\Users\alex\Documents\book1.pdf" based on the second level of bookmarks and put the SPLIT_BOOKMARKS_LEVEL_VALUE parameter value in the output filename you have to execute the following :

FreePDFSplitterMerger.exe -split -outfilename:"book1.[SPLIT_BOOKMARKS_LEVEL_VALUE].[page].pdf" -splitbookmarks:2 "c:\Users\alex\Documents\book1.pdf"

Specifically, you can use the following parameters in the outfilename variable :


Free PDF Splitter Merger - Command Prompt Usage
