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Free PDF Splitter Merger 4dots IconFree PDF Splitter Merger 4dots V1.7

Merge pdf-Split pdf -Supprimer pages de pdf - Extraire pages de pdf avec menuisier pdf polyvalent

Merge pdf - Split pdf - Delete pages from pdf - Extract pages from pdf
Gratuit pour un usage personnel et commercial
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Fusionner des documents pdf ou diviser des documents pdf et supprimer des pages de pdf ou extraire des pages de pdf

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Ajoutez des documents PDF par glisser-déposer.

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Définissez les plages de pages à traiter, ne traitez que les pages paires ou impaires, les pages contenant du texte spécifique et plus.

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Définissez un en-tête ou un pied de page de document personnalisé, ou une image d'en-tête ou de pied de page personnalisée.

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Fusionner des documents PDF avec des images de 30 formats d'image différents.

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PDF joiner qui est entièrement intégré dans l'Explorateur Windows.

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Combinez deux fichiers PDF également à partir de la ligne de commande.

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La version en ligne existe aussi!

Combine two pdfs also from the command line.
Combine two pdfs also from the command line.
Drag and Drop PDF Documents to split pdf documents.
Drag and Drop PDF Documents to split pdf documents.
System Requirements
Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, 2003 and XP. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions

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Free PDF Splitter Merger is a free and advanced application to merge pdf, split pdf, delete pages from pdf and extract pages from pdf. This versatile pdf joiner is very easy to be used but you can also set various complicated criteria. Documents can easily be selected and added with a simple drag and drop on the application screen. Page ranges can be set,there is an option to process even or odd pages or pages containing a specific text.

See What's New


Free PDF Splitter Merger is a free and advanced application to merge pdf, split pdf, delete pages from pdf and extract pages from pdf.

The documents or folders containing documents to be processed can easily be selected and added with a simple drag and drop on the application's screen.

This versatile pdf joiner is very easy to be used but it is also possible to set various complicated criteria in order to specify which document's pages to process. Such as page ranges, or the option to process even or odd pages or pages containing a specific text in them and also only to process only every n th page.

The documents can be split , along with the previous options, based on their bookmarks (the bookmark level can also be specified). Documents can be split after a number of continuous blank pages.

Pdf documents can be merged with images of 30 different image formats.

Document properties such as title, author, subject and keywords can be set.

The documents can be encrypted with an owner and user password and also permissions can be set.

A custom document header and footer can be set and positioned, or a custom header or footer image can be specified.

Combine two pdfs also from the command line.