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Free PDF Metadata Editor 4dots IconFree PDF Metadata Editor 4dots V4.0

Éditeur de métadonnées PDF gratuit 4dots - Édition par lots de métadonnées PDF

Batch edit PDF metadata such as author, title, subject and keywords. Batch remove metadta from pdf file.
Gratuit pour un usage personnel et commercial

RAR Archive Password : 123

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Modifier par lots les métadonnées PDF telles que l'auteur, le titre, le sujet et les mots clés, etc.

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Il est absolument gratuit, très facile à utiliser et également multilingue.

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Batch set un nombre illimité de métadonnées PDF personnalisées définies par l'utilisateur.

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Rechercher et remplacer les valeurs de métadonnées également par des expressions régulières et des caractères génériques.

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Batch remove metadata from pdf file, batch update pdf metadata

Drag and drop the PDF you want to batch edit metadata
Drag and drop the PDF you want to batch edit metadata
Insert special items as metadata such as Filename, Current Date e.t.c. - Find and replace metadata values also with regular expressions and wildcards.
Insert special items as metadata such as Filename, Current Date e.t.c. - Find and replace metadata values also with regular expressions and wildcards.
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Supports command line usage for scripts and batch files

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Prend en charge le nettoyage des métadonnées

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Batch change pdf author, change pdf metadata creation date

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Modifier par lots les métadonnées PDF de dossiers entiers et de leurs sous-dossiers.

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Modifiez les métadonnées PDF simplement en cliquant avec le bouton droit de la souris sur les documents PDF dans l'Explorateur Windows ou par glisser-déposer.

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N'a PAS besoin du logiciel Adobe Acrobat installé.

System Requirements
Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, 2003 and XP. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions

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Try also our other application called Batch Edit Office Properties to batch edit or clear Microsoft Office document properties.

With Free PDF Metadata Editor 4dots you can batch edit PDF metadata, of many PDF documents,i.e. set metadata such as author, title, subject and keywords e.t.c., with a single mouse click. You can also batch set unlimited user-defined custom PDF metadata. Free PDF Metadata Editor can find and replace metadata values also with regular expressions and wildcards. You can also batch remove metadata from pdf file, batch update pdf metadata, change pdf author, change pdf metadata creation date e.t.c. It also supports metadata cleanup. It is absolutely free, very easy to use and also multilingual.Easily you can select and batch set the metadata of whole folders and their subfolders with PDF documents.Drag and drop supported.


With Free PDF Metadata Editor 4dots you can batch edit PDF properties, of many PDF documents, i.e. set metadata such as author, title, subject and keywords e.t.c., with a single mouse click..

You can also batch set unlimited user-defined custom PDF metadata.

It is absolutely free, very easy to use and also multilingual.

Easily you can select and batch set the metadata of whole folders and their subfolders with PDF documents.

The application is integrated into Windows Explorer and with a right click on the PDF files the user can set their PDF properties.

It is also possible to drag and drop PDF documents to be modified to the main window of the application.

The application does NOT need Adobe Acrobat software installed.

Also, special items, such as filename, directory path, current date and time, last write time e.t.c., can be set as custom PDF properties, automatically.

All versions of PDF documents are supported and also password-protected PDF documents are supported.

The application is multilingual and translated into 38 languages.

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