
Shareware and Freeware Open Source Windows Software Applications and Free Online Tools

Simple Video Compressor IconScreenshots - Simple Video Compressor

Free for personal and commercial use

Уменьшайте размер видеозаписей, и экономьте время, деньги и место на диске!
Уменьшайте размер видеозаписей, и экономьте время, деньги и место на диске!
Reduce video size enormously !
Reduce video size enormously !
Сжимайте видеозаписи, используя правую кнопку мыши в Проводнике Windows
Сжимайте видеозаписи, используя правую кнопку мыши в Проводнике Windows
Import videos to compress from Text list files, CSV files or Excel files.
Import videos to compress from Text list files, CSV files or Excel files.
You can also shutdown, sleep e.t.c. when the application has done its job
You can also shutdown, sleep e.t.c. when the application has done its job
Play the last output file, explore it in Windows Explorer, copy its full file path e.t.c.
Play the last output file, explore it in Windows Explorer, copy its full file path e.t.c.