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Photo Resizer Expert IconPhoto Resizer Expert V1.4

Photo Resizer Expert - Redimensionneur d'image polyvalent par lots

Photo Resizer Expert - Versatile batch image resizer - Adjust, apply effects and filters to images - Watch folders - Resize image with right click in Windows Explorer
Gratuit pour un usage personnel et commercial
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Redimensionner l'image

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Photo resizer prenant en charge de nombreux formats d'image d'entrée

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Redimensionneur d'image par lots qui peut réduire la qualité des photos

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Redimensionner l'image avec un clic droit dessus dans l'Explorateur Windows

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Appliquer des effets, des filtres ou des ajustements aux images

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Ajouter du texte aux images, appliquer un filigrane aux images

Adjust images, apply effects and filters to images
Adjust images, apply effects and filters to images
Resize image and add watermark to images
Resize image and add watermark to images
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Recadrer les images, agrandir la toile des images

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Lire les archives ZIP, RAR et compresser les images redimensionnées en ZIP, RAR

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Surveillez les dossiers et redimensionnez automatiquement l'image lorsqu'ils y sont collés

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Prend en charge l'utilisation de la ligne de commande

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Utiliser, créer, modifier, enregistrer le profil pour enregistrer les options de redimensionnement de l'image pour une utilisation ultérieure

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Spécifiez le modèle de nom de fichier en fonction des variables

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Rechercher et remplacer le texte des noms de fichiers d'image

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Copier les informations EXIF ​​des images redimensionnées

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Conserver la date de la dernière modification, la date de création des images

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Faire pivoter les images en fonction des informations EXIF

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Effacer les informations exif des images

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Spécifiez le filtre d'image d'entrée en fonction des propriétés de l'image ou du nom de fichier ou du dossier

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Utiliser automatiquement le profil correct en fonction des propriétés de l'image ou du dossier

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Multilingue et traduit en 39 langues différentes

System Requirements
Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, 2003 and XP. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions

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Do you want to reduce image size of many images ? Do you want a photo resizer that will make picture smaller or reduce photo quality of many images at once ?

Do you want to batch apply many different effects and filters to images or adjust their brightness, contrast or red, green, blue values in a batch

Do you want to watch folders and resize image automatically when they are pasted in a folder ?

Do you want to quickly rename images based on filename pattern with variables ?

Then try Photo Resizer Expert which can do all that and has also many more other features such as folder watcher that can resize image automatically when you copy and paste them in the folder or resize image automatically with the correct profile based on image properties, filename, folder name or file properties criteria.

Photo Resizer Expert is batch image resizer that supports many inputs formats including latest image formats and has also many output image format options.

It can be integrated into Windows Explorer and you can shrink image with a right click on them in Windows Explorer.

With Photo Resizer Expert you can also resize and add text to images or resize adn apply an watermark to images.

You can also crop or enlarge canvas of images.

You can also keep the EXIF information of images that are being resized or keep last modification date and creation date of images if you want.

Photo Resizer Expert is a batch image resizer that can also read ZIP, RAR archives and also compress the images that are being resized into ZIP, RAR or use another program that you can specify.

You can also just copy or move and easily rename images based on a filename pattern you specify that includes variables such as width, height, date, image format e.t.c. You can also find and replace text of the original filenames based on wildcards or regular expressions.

You can also use, create, edit and save profiles so that you can store the image resize options for later use and use the profile you want to resize image without having to specify the options again.

You can also automatically rotate image based on their EXIF information or clear exif information of existing images.

Photo Resizer Expert supports command line use which is useful for inclusion in scripts e.t.c.

The application is also multilingual and translated into 39 different languages.

If you look for a versatile image resizer then try Photo Resizer Expert which has many features and is easy to use.

Supported Image Formats

  • BMP files [reading, writing]
  • Dr. Halo CUT files [reading] *
  • DDS files [reading]
  • EXR files [reading, writing]
  • Raw Fax G3 files [reading]
  • GIF files [reading, writing]
  • HDR files [reading, writing]
  • ICO files [reading, writing]
  • IFF files [reading]
  • JNG files [reading]
  • JPEG/JIF files [reading, writing]
  • JPEG-2000 File Format [reading, writing]
  • JPEG-2000 codestream [reading, writing]
  • KOALA files [reading]
  • Kodak PhotoCD files [reading]
  • MNG files [reading]
  • PCX files [reading]
  • PBM/PGM/PPM files [reading, writing]
  • PFM files [reading, writing]
  • PNG files [reading, writing]
  • Macintosh PICT files [reading]
  • Photoshop PSD files [reading]
  • RAW camera files [reading]
  • Sun RAS files [reading]
  • SGI files [reading]
  • TARGA files [reading, writing]
  • TIFF files [reading, writing]
  • WBMP files [reading, writing]
  • XBM files [reading]
  • XPM files [reading, writing]
* only gray scale

Image Editing Features

  • Add Text
  • Add Watermark
  • Add Border
  • Crop
  • Enlarge Canvas
  • Rotate
  • Flip
  • Swap Colors (RGB->RBG e.t.c.)
  • Show Channel (Red, Green, Blue)
  • Adjust Red / Green/ Blue
  • Adjust Brightness / Contrast / Gamma
  • Adjust Hue / Saturation / Brightness
  • Replace Color
  • Grayscale
  • Sepia
  • Negative
  • Blur
  • Motion Blur
  • Median
  • Mean
  • Sharpen
  • Emboss
  • Edge Detection (Quick, Sobel, Sharr, Kirsch, Isotropic, Prewitt)
  • Bi-tonal Bitmap
  • Random Jitter
  • Swirl
  • Sphere
  • Timewarp
  • Moire
  • Water
  • Stained Glass
  • Pixelate

What's New in Version 1.1 :
Fixed bug : "Overwrite Images" as Output Folder now works.
Fixed bug : Open Output Folder with "Overwrite Images" as Output Folder.

What's New in Version 1.0:
Initial release