Shareware and Freeware Open Source Windows Software Applications and Free Online Tools

Software De Áudio

Audio Converter 4dots
Potente Audio Converter multilingue.
Supporta 15 formati audio e 10 formati video.
Converte MP3 in FLAC, M4A in MP3, AAC in MP3, FLAC in MP3 , MP4 in MP3, FLV in MP3 ecc.
Placeholder image
MP3 Joiner Expert
Audio Joiner che può unire file MP3 ed altri formati con fade in, fade out, cross fade, effetti audio, silenzio ed altro!
Simple MP3 Cutter Joiner Editor
Taglia, unisci, dividi, mixa, registra e modifica file audio MP3 e altre formati audio.
Volume Wheel
Control the volume with your mouse wheel with many options.
Audio Looper
Loop audio della clip anche con l'audio di sottofondo.

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Some of our software use an executable of FFmpeg licensed under the LGPLv2.1 and its source can be downloaded here