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ZIP Self Extractor Maker IconZIP Self Extractor Maker V1.13

Einfach zu bedienender ZIP Self Extractor Maker mit vielen Optionen

Easy to use ZIP Self Extractor maker with many options
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Selbstextrahierende, ausführbare ZIP-Dateien erstellen

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Komprimieren und Verteilen von Dateien, ohne sie einfach zu trennen

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Bestimmte Befehle vor und nach dem Entpacken ausführen

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Supports command line usage for use in batch scripts

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Benutzeroberfläche, Symbol und Meldungen anpassen

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Ausführbare ZIP-Datei mit einem Passwort schützen

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ZIP-Datei mit Triple DES-Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus verschlüsseln

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Nach Administratorrechten fragen

Customize user interface, icon and messages
Customize user interface, icon and messages
Run commands before and after unzip
Run commands before and after unzip
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Entpackungsordner angeben oder temporären Ordner verwenden

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Automatisch in den Entpackungsordner entpacken

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Völlig neue ZIP-Datei erstellen oder vorhandene ZIP-Datei konvertieren

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Delete Unzip Directory after commands

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Option not to show GUI but just unzip automatically

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Unterstützt Ziehen und Ablegen

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Einfach zu bedienen

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Mehrsprachig und in 39 verschiedene Sprachen übersetzt


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System Requirements
Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, 2003 and XP. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions

Do you want to create a self-extracting ZIP file ? Do you want to compress and distribute files without separating them with an easy to use way ?

Then try ZIP Self Extractor Maker. It can create self-extracting ZIP files that are easy to use and you can also specify other many options.

You can specify commands to be run before and after zip and also customize user interface, icon and messages for the user

The self-extracting ZIP file can be protected with a password and can get encrypted with Triple DES encryption algorithm.

A specific unzip directory can be set also with the use of special folders such as desktop folder, programdata folder e.t.c. or you can unzip to a temporary folder.

You can unzip automatically to the unzip folder and also can specify that the self-extracting ZIP executable will ask for administrator rights.

File and url shortcuts can also be created easily.

ZIP Self Extractor Maker can create an entirely new ZIP file or convert an existing ZIP file to a self-extracting ZIP executable.

User interface, icon and messages and commands can get localized to other languages.

ZIP Self Extractor Maker supports drag and drop.

The application is also multilingual and translated into 39 different languages.

If you look for a program that can create self-extracting ZIP executable files then try ZIP Self Extractor Maker which has many features and is easy to use.

What's New in Version 1.0:
Initial release.

ZIP Self Extractor Maker was reviewed and awarded by :

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