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Video Rotator and Flipper icon  Video Rotator and Flipper - How to use

How to rotate a video

How to open a Video File

Video Rotator and Flipper - How to rotate a video To open a video file drag and drop it on the main screen. Alternatively, you can press the "Open" button (10) on the toolbar and then select the video file.

How to Play the opened Video File with the in-built player

To play the opened Video file with the inbuilt player press on the "Play Original" button (5) on the toolbar or select "Play Original" from the "Edit" menu. Then you will be able to view the video in the player window (3).

How to specify how the Video will be rotated or flipped

After having opened your Video file press on the Rotation mode (1) and Flip mode (2) buttons to specify how the video will be rotated.

How to preview the Rotation and Flip result

When you press the rotation mode or flip mode button you can instantly preview the result image in the preview window (4).

You can also preview the rotated video by pressing on the "Play Converted" button (6) or by selecting "Play Converted" from the "Edit" menu.

How to rotate or flip only a specific part of the video

To rotate or flip only a specific part of the video press the "Set Time" button on the toolbar and then specify the start and end time of the part to be rotated.

How to finally execute the rotation of the Video

Finally, to rotate the video press on the "Convert" button (9) or select "Rotate and Flip" from the "Tools" menu.

Then a new screen will appear where you can specify your desired output format and output profile or create your profile.

There you can also set video and audio encoding options.

After having specified your output format options press on the "OK" button and Video Rotator and Flipper will convert the videos immediately.

When the conversion is finished Windows Explorer will be opened, and it will select the rotated file by default. You can change this behavior of the application from the "When Done" menu of the "Options" menu.

How to batch rotate and flip many Videos

Video Rotator and Flipper -  Main Screen

To batch rotate and flip many videos you have to first press on the "Batch Rotate" button (8) on the toolbar or select "Batch Rotate and Flip" from the "Tools" menu.

Then you will be asked for the default output format of the output videos. You can specify the output format of each video later also. Specify the output format and encoding options and press on the "OK" button

Then a new screen will appear where you have first to add the videos you want to batch rotate.

How to add Videos in the batch rotate screen

To add videos in the batch rotate screen to drag and drop them on the grid (1). Alternatively, you can press on the "Add" button (6) on the toolbar and then either enter their full file path in the "Input Video" grid column (1) or press on the "Browse" button (2) to select the video file.

To remove a row from the grid select the row or rows and press on the "Remove" button (7)

You can clear the contents of the grid entirely by pressing on the "Clear" button (8) of the toolbar.

How to specify the rotation and flip mode in the batch rotate screen

To specify the rotation and flip mode in the batch rotate screen select a value from the combo box of the "Rotation Mode" (3) and "Flip Mode" (4) grid column.

How to specify the output filenames of the batch rotations

To specify the filenames of the batch rotations, enter their filenames or file paths in the "Output Video" grid column (5).

If you do not specify a filename then the application will assign the default value to it.

You can also press on the "Browse" button and select the output video file.

How to specify the output format explicitly in the batch rotate screen

To specify the output format of a video file explicitly press on the "..." button of the "Output Format" grid column.

Then a new screen will appear where you can specify the output format and encoding options of the video file.

How to import Text, CSV and Excel File lists in the batch rotate screen

Instead of entering the values directly on the grid you can also import Text file, CSV file or Excel file lists of the videos to rotate.

To do that select "Import Batch List from Text File" or "Import Batch List from CSV File" or "Import Batch List from Excel" from the "Import" menu.

The format of the text file should be :

[INPUT VIDEO FILEPATH]: the file path of the input video file
[ROTATION MODE] : ROTCLOCKW90 for rotate right 90 degrees, ROTCOUNTERCW90 for rotate left 90 degrees, ROT180 for rotating 180 degrees, ROTNONE for no rotation.
[FLIP MODE] : FLIPVERTI for flip vertically, FLIPHORIZ for flip hortizontally, FLIPNONE for no flip.
[OUTPUT VIDEO FILEPATH] : (optional) the file path of the output video.
[START TIME] : (optional) the start time of the video part to be rotated. Format 00:00:00.000
[END TIME] : (optional) the end time of the video part to be rotated. Format 00:00:00.000

How to execute the batch rotations and flips

Finally, press on the "Batch Rotate" button (9) on the toolbar or the select "Execute Batch Rotate" from the "Tools" menu.

How to change user interface language

When the application is first started it asks you for your desired user interface language.

You can also change the user interface language from the "Language" menu.

How to Register and Buy the application

You can buy our application by visiting the product page on our site and then press the "Buy" button.

Alternatively, just start the application and press on the Buy button and you will redirected to our store webpage. (2)

After buying the application a registration code will be sent to you via email within minutes.

To register the application and unlock all its functionality and remove the nag screen just press on the "Register" button (1).

Then in the registration screen enter the registration code in the textbox and press on the "Register" button (1).


Some of our software use an executable of FFmpeg licensed under the LGPLv2.1 and its source can be downloaded here