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Video Joiner Expert IconHow to Use - Video Joiner Expert

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How to combine videos with Video Joiner Expert

Video Joiner Expert - Main Screen

How to specify which Videos to Join

To specify which videos to join :

Press on the "Add Video" button (1) of the main screen and then select the video files you want to add. You can also press on the "Add Folder" button (2) to add the entire video contents of specific folders.

You can also add videos by entering a list of their file paths in a text box, after you select "Enter List of Videos to Join" from the "File" menu.

The video files that have been added to be combined will be displayed on the grid (8). You can view the videos with the inbuilt video player (9) by selecting them on the grid and then press the play button on the player.

You can also drag-and-drop video files or folders with video files to add them.

To remove a video file from the list, select it on the grid and then press the "Remove" button (3). To clear all the videos from the list press the "Clear" button (4).

You can also specify the order of the videos in the join. Simply select the video on the grid and then press the "Move Down" (6) or "Move Up"(5) buttons.

After you select a video on the grid, with a right mouse click you can access a menu where you can play the Video, open it, explore the video file, copy the full file path of the video or display info about it.

How to join each file of the folder separately (intro + file + outro)

To join each file of a folder separately press on the "Add Folder" button and when asked press on the "Yes" button.

Then for each file of the folder the files that are before the folder will be added as a intro and the files that are after the folder will be added as an outro.

For example, if the files on the list are video1.mp4,video2.mp4 FOLDER, video3.mp4 and the folder contains the files sample1.avi,sample2.avi and sample3.avi then it will generate the files video1.mp4+video2.mp4+sample1.avi+video3.mp4 and video1.mp4+video2.mp4+sample2.avi+video3.mp4 and video1.mp4+video2.mp4+sample3.avi+video3.mp4

How to just import files of a folder

To just import files of folder and subfolders press on the "Add Folder" and when asked for "Join each file of the folder separately" press on "No" .

How to specify the Output Format of the Join Video

After having specified which videos to join press the "Join Videos" (7) button on the main screen.

Then, a new screen will appear where you can specify the output format, the various encoding options and other features that the combined video should have.

Video Joiner Expert - Main Screen

At first you have to specify an output format profile. Select a category of output profiles from the list on the left (1) and then select a specific output profile from the list on the right (2).

You can edit the profile by pressing on the "Edit Profile" button (3), add a new profile by pressing on the "New Profile" button (4) or delete a profile by pressing on the "Delete Profile" button (5).

The various encoding options and other features can be changed on the tab (6). On the first page of the tab you can set the video encoding options, on the second tab the audio encoding options, on the third page of the tab you can specify additional parameters for FFMPEG and two-pass encoding parameters (use two-pass encoding to achieve specific file size joins). On the fourth page of the tab you can specify an audio file that should mix or replace the audio of the join. On the fifth page of the tab you can specify text to be drawn on the video. On the sixth page of the tab you can specify an overlay image that should be drawn on the merged video. Finally, on the last page of the tab you can choose to use "Quick Join" and join videos much faster but only if they have the same format and size.

After having specified all the output format options press on the "OK" button (7) to start the join process to cancel the video merge press on the "Cancel" button (8).

How to edit the Video Output Profile

Video Joiner Expert - Video Output Profile

You can edit the profile by pressing on the "Edit Profile" button (3), add a new profile by pressing on the "New Profile" button (4) or delete a profile by pressing on the "Delete Profile" button (5) on the "Output Format" screen.

When you edit a profile you have to enter a unique profile name (1), a profile label (2) and also the FFMPEG parameters (3) for this list. Video Joiner Expert uses an application called FFMPEG for joining the videos.

Enter also the file extension of the file that will be generated (4) and the category for this profile (5).

Finally, press on the "Save" button (6) to save the profile and press the "Close" button (7) to close the screen.

How to generate an ultrafast Preview of the Join

To generate an ultrafast preview of the join, press on the "Join Videos" button on the main screen and select the "Preview Join - Ultrafast" profile. Then press on the "OK" button and the preview of the join will be generated for you.

How to specify Text to be drawn on the Join Video

Video Joiner Expert - Draw Text on Video

To draw text on the joined video check the "Draw Text" checkbox (1) on the sixth tab page of the output format screen.

Then enter the text that you want to be drawn in the text box (2). Check the "From Time" checkbox (3) or "To Time" (4) checkbox and enter the time values if you want the text to be displayed only for a specific period. Select the text font (5), font size (6) and font color (8). Check the "Shadow" checkbox (9) if you want the text to have a shadow and also specify the shadow color by pressing on the button on the right.

Specify the position of the text to be drawn (7) either by entering specific X and Y pixel values or by selecting "Center","Left","Right","Top","Middle","Bottom" e.t.c.

Accepted variables and functions in expressions for x and y parameters are :

dar input display aspect ratio, it is the same as (w / h) * sar
hsub, vsub horizontal and vertical chroma subsample values. For example for the pixel format "yuv422p" hsub is 2 and vsub is 1
line_h, lh height of each text line
main_h, h, H input height
main_w, w, W input width
max_glyph_a, ascent maximum distance from the baseline to the highest/upper grid coordinate used to place a glyph outline point, for all the rendered glyphs; a positive value, due to the grid
max_glyph_d, descent maximum distance from the baseline to the lowest grid coordinate used to place a glyph outline point, for all the rendered glyphs; a negative value, due to the grid
max_glyph_h maximum glyph height, that is the maximum height for all the glyphs contained in the rendered text, it is equivalent to ascent - descent.
max_glyph_w maximum glyph width, that is the maximum width for all the glyphs contained in the rendered text
n number of input frame, starting from 0
rand(min, max) returns a random number included between min and max values
sar input sample aspect ratio
t timestamp expressed in seconds, NAN if the input timestamp is unknown
text_h or th height of the rendered text
text_w or tw width of the rendered text
x, y x and y coordinates, where the text is drawn, these parameters allow the x and y expressions to refer each other, so you can, for example, specify y=x/dar

The application can also scroll the text by specifying the scroll direction from the list (10). You can also set the scroll speed (11).

How to Mix, Replace or Mute the Audio of the Join File

Video Joiner Expert - Mix or replace Audio

To mix or replace the audio of the join file with another audio file check the "Replace Audio" or "Mix Audio" checkbox (2) on the fifth tab page of the output format screen. Then enter also the audio file to be used in the text box (1). In case the audio file should be mixed you can also specify the volume of the mixed audio file (3). The volume should be either a percentage (%) or a value in decibels (dB). For example, "30%" or "10dB".

You can also mute the entire audio of the join file by checking the "Mute" checkbox on the "Audio" tab page of the output format screen.

How to generate Join Files of specific File Size

Video Joiner Expert - Mix or replace Audio

To generate files that have a specific file size, you have to you check the "Two-pass" checkbox in the video options of the output format screen and also use the "Output File Size and Bit rates Tool".

On the main screen select "Set Output File Size and Bit rates Tool" from the "Tools" menu.

Then a new screen will be shown in which you enter your desired file size of the join (1). If you want to calculate the required video bit rate for this file size, check the checkbox on the left of "Video Bit rate" (2) and enter an audio bit rate value (4). If you want to calculate the required audio bit rate for this file size, check the checkbox on the left of "Audio Bit rate" (2) and enter a video bit rate value (3). Also, specify the output format (5) of the video file. Finally, press the "Calculate Bit rates" button (6). The tool will now calculate the required bit rates in order the join file has the specified file size. Press the "Set Bit rates" button (7) to set these bit rates in the output format screen.

Please note that you should use two-pass video encoding to achieve specific join file size.

How to import List of Videos to Join

Video Joiner Expert - Import Join Lists

To import lists of videos to join, on the main screen select from the "File" menu, "Import Videos from Text File" (1) to import list of videos from text files, "Import Videos from Excel File" (3) to import list of videos from Excel files, or "Import Videos from CSV File" (2) to import list of videos to join from CSV files.

One video file path should be on each line of the list file. You can also specify the column of the file paths of the Excel or CSV file.

If you select "Save Current Selection" (5) from the file menu, you will save a text file list with the currently added videos. It will help you if you want to reuse this list later. Then you can import this list, as was described earlier.

How to set Options of the application

Video Joiner Expert - Import Join Lists

To set various options of the application, you can use the "Options" menu.

To specify what the application will do when the join process finishes, select an option from the "When Done" menu (4). The application can shutdown, sleep, hibernate, logoff, explore the file e.t.c.

To specify the format of the filename that the application will generate for the join file select "Options" (3) from the "Options" menu.

By default, the filename without the extension will have the format [FILENAME]_join. [FILENAME] represents the filename without the extension of the first video.

On this screen, you can also specify what will happen in case a file with the same filename already exists. The application will overwrite it, skipped, renamed, added a prefix or added a suffix e.t.c.

You can also set a specific output filename for the join by selecting "Set Output File" (1) from the "Options" menu.

How to easily test and access the generated Join Video

Video Joiner Expert - Access Join File

After the join process has finished, you can test the generated join video by selecting from the "Tools" menu, "Play Last Output File" (3) that will play the video in the in-built player. You can also select "Open Last Output File" (4) which will open the video with your default video player, "Explore Last Output File" (5) which will open and select the video file in Windows Explorer. You can also select "Copy Full File path of Last Output File" (6) which will copy to the clipboard the full file path of the generated join. Lastly, you can select "Video Info of the Last Output File" (7) to show info about the generated video join file.

How to Batch Join many Videos

To batch join many videos select "Batch Join" (1) from the "Tools" menu on the main screen.

Then you will have to specify the default output format for the joins. You can also specify explicit join output formats later.

Video Joiner Expert - Batch Join

On the new screen that will appear you have to enter the list of video files for the batch joins and the output file path of the join.

In the "Join Video File paths," column (5) of the grid enter the video files that you will combine in each join. Enter one file path on each line. In the "Output Video" column (6) enter the file path of the generated join video. If you leave it blank, then the application will auto generate the file path for you. Press the button on the "Output Format" column (7) to set specific output format properties for this join.

To add new joins to the batch join press the "Add" button (1). Then a new row will be added to the grid. Press the "Remove" button (2) to remove a join, "Clear" button (3) to clear the grid.

You can also drag-and-drop video files or folders with video files to add them.

Finally, press the "Batch Join" button (4), and the batch join process will start.

How to Import Batch Lists for Batch Joins

To import batch lists for batch joins select "Import Batch List from Text File," "Import Batch List from Excel File" or "Import Batch List from CSV File" from the "Import" menu.

In case you import batch lists from Text Files or CSV Files the format is the following. On the first line enter the output file path of the join file and then on each following line enter the video to be part of the join. Then enter a blank line and on the next lines continue with the data for the next join.

In case you import batch lists from Excel Files the format is the following. On the first line enter the output file path of the join file and then on each following line enter the video to be part of the join. Then enter a line with the # character and on the next lines continue with the data for the next join.

Command Line Usage

Video Joiner Expert can also be executed from the command line.

Therefore, it can be included in scripts and batch files.

Joins multiple video files into one video file.

VideoJoinerExpert.exe [file|directory]]


The application will use the default Output Format but you can force to change some parameters of it.

file : one or more audio files to be processed.
directory : one or more directories containing files to be processed.
foldersep : join each file of the folder separately (intro + file + outro).
quickjoin : use quick join - for files of the same format and encoding parameters e.t.c.
/? : show help

Example :
VideoJoinerExpert.exe "c:\video\sample1.mp4" "c:\video\sample2.mp4" "c:\samplejoin" /foldersep /fadein:True /fadeout:True /volume:"50%"

How to Register and Buy the application

Video Joiner Expert - Register - Buy You can buy our application by visiting the product page on our site and then press the "Buy" button.
Alternatively, start the application and press on the Buy button, and you will go to our store webpage. (2)
After buying the application, a registration code will be sent to you via email within minutes.
To register the application and unlock all its functionality and remove the nag screen press on the "Register" button (1).
Video Joiner Expert - Register - Buy
Then in the registration screen enter the registration code in the text box and press on the "Register" button (1).

How to change user interface language

When the application starts for the first time, it asks you for your desired user interface language.

You can also change the user interface language from the "Language" menu.
