
Shareware and Freeware Open Source Windows Software Applications and Free Online Tools

Minimize to Tray Tool IconMinimize to Tray Tool V9.6

Minimize to the System Tray Applications.

Minimize to the System Tray any Application.
Check Icon

Сворачивайте любое приложение в системный трей Windows окно.

Check Icon

Maximize always also application windows.

Check Icon

Option to minimize Windows with Window Text (with wildcards and regular expressions).

Check Icon

Option to exclude Windows with Window Text.

Check Icon

To configure it, right click Minimize To Tray Tool system tray icon and select "Configure" from the menu

Check Icon

Add applications by dragging and dropping a target image on the application's window.

Check Icon

To minimize application that have admin rights you need to start Minimize to Tray Tool with admin rights

Check Icon

Works with most standard Windows applications and old Windows applications

MinimizeToTrayTool is a utility that allows the user to minimize any application to the windows tray.Unlike similar applications, it is not necessary to explicitly tell the application each time you want to minimize to the tray a specific application but it is only necessary to specify the application's filename and then the application will be minimized automatically to the windows tray each time the user minimizes it.

Преимущества лицензии

15-day or 30-day free trial use

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Код ключа будет отправлен вам автоматически через несколько минут.

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Неограниченное использование

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System Requirements
Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, 2003 and XP. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions

MinimizeToTrayTool is a utility that allows the user to minimize any application to the Windows system tray with its icon.

Unlike similar applications it is not necessary to explicitly tell the application each time you want to minimize to the tray a specific application but it is only necessary to specify the application's filename and then the application will be minimized automatically to the windows tray each time the user minimizes the application's window with no other actions necessary.

In order to maximize the application once again the user simply clicks on the application's tray icon. The user has also the option to minimize all applications to the tray or to maximize all applications that are minimized to the tray.

Applications can be added to the list of to be minimized applications by dragging and dropping a target image on the application's window.

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