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Convert PDF to TXT.  Free PDF To Text Converter 4dots - How to Use

How to Use

Free PDF Text Converter is very easy to use.

Selecting PDF Documents

At first, you have to specify which PDF documents you want to convert to text.

This can be done easily with many ways. Press the "Add File" button to add select one or more PDF Documents, or press the "Add Folder" button to select an entire Folder and add all the PDF Documents that are in this folder. Free PDF To Text Converter 4dots is a free application that converts pdf documents to text.

Alternatively, you can simply right click on the PDF Documents in Windows Explorer and select "Convert PDF To Text". In order to do this, you should have selected the option "Integrate with Windows Explorer" during the installation. Specify PDF documents to be converted to text simply by right clicking them in Windows Explorer or by drag and drop. Another easy way to add PDF Documents is to drag and drop them on the application window. Specify PDF documents to be converted to text simply by right clicking them in Windows Explorer or by drag and drop.

Processing PDF Documents with passwords

After having specified which PDF Documents you want to be converted to text, you should enter ,if they are protected, their passwords in the corresponding column of the grid.

Setting Page Ranges

To specify ranges of pages to be converted, press the button of the grid's "Additional Settings" column. Sophisticated page ranges can be set, also it is possible to convert pdf to txt only from odd or even pages or only from pages that contain a specific text e.t.c. There you can specify comma-separated page ranges such as "10-20,50-70". You can also specify only to convert only odd or even pages, from every Nth page or only from pages that contain a specific text. Please note that if you specify page ranges then the conversion will require much more time to complete.

More options

If the PDF has a specific encoding other than UTF-8 you have to specify it in the "Encoding" column of the grid.

By checking the "Append all Text to only one file", all text of the selected pdf documents will be appended into only one file. Moreover, by checking the "Convert to HTML" checkbox the pdf documents will be converted into html text.

Converting PDF to Text

After having specified which PDF Documents to be converted, press the "Convert to Text" button and they will be converted to text.

In the end, Windows Explorer will open automatically the folder where the converted pdf documents are.

It is also possible to specify the output folder of the converted documents. If the "Same as PDF's Document Folder" is selected, then the converted documents will be generated in the same folder and with the same filename but with file extension ".txt" . If another is selected then the converted documents will be generated in this folder.