Compresses PDF Files.
4dotsFreePDFCompress.exe [[file|directory]][/images:TRUE|FALSE][/quality:QUALITY
_VALUE][/userpassword:USER_PASSWORD_VALUE] [/subdirs] [/overwrite][/backup][outf
file : one or more pdf or image files to be processed.
directory : one or more directories containing pdf files to be processed.
images: Compress images or not. True value is default.
quality: Image Compression Quality. Integer from 0 to 100.
userpassword: Document user password.
subdirs : process also subdirectories of specified directories
overwrite : overwrite existing PDF document
backup : keep backup in case of overwrite
outfilename : Output filename. If not specified the file will have the same file
name but will end with "_compressed"".
/l : Import list of files to be processed from a text file. One file or folder o
n each line. In case the document has a password it's line should be comma separated.
/log : Logfile where output messages should be logged.
Enter [FILENAME] for document's filename without extension and [EXT] for document's extension.
outputfolder: Output folder value (if different than the folder of the first file)
/? : show help
4dotsFreePDFCompress.exe "c:\invoices\invoice1.pdf"
4dotsFreePDFCompress.exe "c:\invoices\invoice1.pdf" /images:FALSE
4dotsFreePDFCompress.exe "c:\invoices\invoice1.pdf" /quality:15
4dotsFreePDFCompress.exe /l:"c:\invoices\InvoiceList.txt" /log:"c:\invoices\log.txt"
4dotsFreePDFCompress.exe "c:\invoices\invoice1.pdf" /userpassword:"A12123"
4dotsFreePDFCompress.exe "c:\invoices\invoice1.pdf" /overwrite /backup
4dotsFreePDFCompress.exe "c:\invoices"