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.NET Articles

How to Base64 Encode a String with custom encoding

How to Base64 Decode a String with custom encoding

How to XML Encode a String

How to XML Decode a String

How to URL Encode a String

How to URL Decode a String

How to HTML Encode a String

How to HTML Decode a String

How to get the Track position of a Scrollbar while scrolling

How to check if running in 32-bit or 64-bit

How to escape LIKE value in .NET

How to check if filename is legal

How to shutdown, hibernate, restart, sleep, logoff, lock computer programmatically

How to wait for N milliseconds without freezing the thread

How to get relative file path of an absolute file path

How to catch unhandled Exceptions

How to suspend and resume a Process

How to correctly Read Process Output without freezing

How to implement Drag and Drop of Files feature

How to Draw on an existing or new Image

How to Avoid Bad Text Rendering when Drawing Text

How to set or get the Scroll Position of a RichTextBox Control

How to ignore Namespace when selecting XML nodes with XPath

How to Convert String to HEX

How to Convert HEX to String

How to Convert String to Binary

How to Convert Binary to String

How to Center any Control on the Form

How to open Windows Explorer with a specific File being selected

How to execute a Function when the Application exits

How to correctly copy Text to the Clipboard