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How to split and merge files with Split Byte file splitter

How to Spit Files

Split large files into smaller parts and afterwards join them, for example in order to email them or to write them on a CD or DVD.

In order to split a file, run Split Byte. Then in the first tab page , press the "Browse" button to select the file to split. Alternatively, you can enter the path of the file in the combo box.

You can also ,alternatively, drag and drop the file you want to split on the "Split" tab page.

Afterwards, it is necessary to specify the Destination Folder of the split parts. Therefore enter the path in the appropriate combo box or press the "Browse" button to choose an output folder.

Then, choose if the file will be split into equally sized split parts or specify the file size that the split parts should have.

Also, specify the output filename pattern. This can be .part[d] which means it will generate split parts with extensions .part0, .part1, .part2 e.t.c. , .[d] which means it will generate split parts with extensions .0 , .1, .2 e.t.c. , .part[a] which means it will generate split parts with extensions .parta, .partb , .partc e.t.c..

Afterwards, specify the various options. Choose if you want to encrypt the split parts, compress them and if the split parts should have the same date and timestamp as the original file. Also choose whether to delete the original file after splitting it, and whether windows explorer should open with the first split part file selected, after the split process has finished.

Email split parts after splitting a files.

Moreover, choose whether you want to email the split parts. This will open a new screen , after the split process has finished where the user can specify the email account to choose, the recipient of the email and the body of the email. After all this information has been specified Split Byte will email the split parts automatically to the recipient email adddress.

Lastly, you can choose whether you want to shutdown the computer automatically after a time consuming split process has finished.

After you have specified the various options, press the "Split Button" and wait the split process to finish. If you want to cancel a split process that is running, press the Escape key.

How to Join Files

Join split parts into one file again.

In order to join files, run Split Byte. Then in the second tab page, press the "Browse" button to select the first split part file.

You can also, alternatively, drag and drop the first split part file on the "Join" tab page.

Afterward, specify the output filename by pressing the appropriate "Browse" button or entering in the Output file combo box.

Then specify the various options of the join process. Specify whether to delete the split parts after the join process has finished, whether the output filename should have the same date and timestamp as the first split part file.

Also specify, whether the files that will be joined will be specified explicitly in another screen.

Lastly, specify whether Windows Explorer will open after the join process has completed, with the joined file preselected and whether to automatically shutdown the computer after a time-consuming join process has finished.

After having specified all these options press the "Join" button. Press the Escape key to cancel the running join process.

How to calculate MD5 Checksums - How to check if split and join process was successful

Calculate the MD5 checksum of files in order to compare them and check if the split and join process was successful.

You can also check whether the split and join process was successful by comparing the MD5 checksums of the source and the generated joined file. If the two MD5 checksums are the same, this means that the files are the same and that it was successful.

In order to do this, press the "Browse" button to select the first file and then press the other "Browse" button to specify the second file. Split Byte will automatically compare the two MD5 checksums of the two files and will inform of the comparison result.

Command Line Usage

Split Byte can also be executed from the command line. This is useful for inclusion in scripts e.t.c.

The usage is : SplitByte - Split and Join Files.

SplitByte.exe FILE
[/splitsize SIZE_IN_BYTES]
[/splitsizekb SIZE_IN_KBYTES]
[/splitsizemb SIZE_IN_MBYTES]
[/splitsizegb SIZE_IN_GBYTES]
[/split_filename_pattern SPLIT_FILENAME_PATTERN_ID]

FILE : the file to split or the first split part file to join.
/split : split file
/join : join files
/splitsize : the desired split part size in bytes
/splitsizekb : the desired split part size in kilobytes
/splitsizemb : the desired split part size in megabytes
/splitsizegb : the desired split part size in gigabytes
/splitnum : split the file in specified number of equal size parts
/outfolder : output folder of split parts
/outfile : output file of join
/compress : compress split parts
/encrypt : encrypt split parts with password
/decrypt : decrypt split parts with password
/delete : delete source file(s)
/overwrite : overwrite output files, if necessary
/keep_timestamp : keep the same timestamp as the source files
/split_filename_pattern : 0 for .part[d],1 for .[d],2 for .[ddd],3 for .part[a],4 for .[a],5 for .[aaa]
/? : show help

Examples of Command Line Usage

For example :

SplitByte.exe "c:\backup\backup151012.bak" /split /splitnum 3 /outfolder "c:\backup" Will split the file "c:\backup\backup151012.bak" into 3 equally file size split parts and will create the split part files in the folder "c:\backup".

For example:

SplitByte.exe "c:\backup\backup151012.bak.part0" /join /decrypt mypassword /outfile "c:\backup\backup151012.bak"

Will join the split parts that are encrypted with the password "mypassword" ,starting from split part file "c:\backup\backup151012.bak.part0", and will create the file "c:\backup\backup151012.bak".

SplitByte.exe "c:\backup\backup151012.bak" /split /splitsize 1000000 /outfolder "c:\backup"

Will split the file "c:\backup\backup151012.bak" into split parts that have file size 1000000 bytes and will create the split part files in the folder "c:\backup".

Split Byte - Command Line Usage