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PDF Page Counter IconHow to Use - PDF Page Counter

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How to count PDF pages and get a report of metadata with PDF Page Counter

PDF Page Counter - Main Screen

How specify the PDF Files or Folders for the Report

At first you have to specify for which PDF files or folders you want to get a report.

Simply drag and drop the PDF documents or folders to the main window or press the "Add Files" or "Add Folder" button.

Quick File Locker - Windows Explorer Integration

How to count PDF pages with a Right Click in Windows Explorer

To count PDF pages and also get report of metadata with a right-click in Windows Explorer, you have to first have installed the application with the option "Integrate into Windows Explorer".

Then, simply select the PDF documents or folders you want and select "Count PDF Pages".

How to specify the fields that the Report should and their order

You can specify the data fields that the report should have by selecting fields on the list "Report Fields" and then by pressing the button "Add".

The list "Included Report Fields" is the list of fields that will be included in the report.

You have move a report field up or down by selecting it on the list "Included Report Fields" and then by pressing on the "Move Up" or "Move Down" button.

How to get a PDF Report

After you have added the PDF documents and folders and specified the report fields make sure that you have the option "Create PDF Report" on the "Options" menu.

You can also specify to add the field names on the first row of the report by checking the checkbox "Add Field Names".

Afterwards, press on the button "Get Report" and wait for the application to do its job.

How to get a Text CSV Report

After you have added the PDF documents and folders and specified the report fields make sure that you have the option "Create Text CSV Report" on the "Options" menu.

It is possible to specify also the separator character and escape character for the CSV report.

You can also specify to add the field names on the first row of the report by checking the checkbox "Add Field Names".

Afterwards, press on the button "Get Report" and wait for the application to do its job.

How to import list of PDF files

To import list of PDF files press on the "Import List" button of the toolbar.

One PDF file path should be on each line of the list file.


Command Line Usage

PDF Page Counter can also be executed from the command line.

Therefore, it can be included in scripts and batch files.

Counts PDF pages and creates also a report with metadata information.

PDFPageCounter.exe [[file|directory][/password:PASSWORD_VALUE]]

file : one or more files to be processed and password is PDF document's password.
directory : one or more directories containing files to be processed and password is PDF document's password.
reportfile : output report file path
outputpdf : create report in PDF format
outputcsv : create report in CSV format
filename : include PDF document filename field
fullfilepath:  include PDF document full filepath field
numberofpages :  include number of pages field
title :  include PDF document metadata title field
author : include PDF document metadata author field
subject : include PDF document metadata subject field
keywords : include PDF document metadata keywords field
creator : include PDF document metadata creator field
producer : include PDF document metadata producer field
creationdate : include PDF document metadata creation date field
moddate : include PDF document metadata modification date field
dirname : include PDF document directory name field
dirpath : include PDF document directory path field
separator: field separator character index 0,1,2 or 3
escapechar: escape character index 0,1 or 2
addfields : add field names in report, TRUE or FALSE
open : open report in the end TRUE or FALSE
/? : show help

Example :
PDFPageCounter.exe "c:\documents\invoice.pdf" "c:\documents\invoice2.pdf" /outputpdf /password:"MYPASSWORD" /reportfile:"c:\documents\report.pdf"

PDFPageCounterr.exe "c:\documents" /outputpdf /filename /numberofpages /author /addfields:TRUE /reportfile:"c:\documents\report.pdf"


How to Register and Buy the application

PDF Page Counter - Register - Buy You can buy our application by visiting the product page on our site and then press the "Buy" button.
Alternatively, start the application and press on the Buy button, to visit our store webpage. (2)
After buying the application, a registration code will be sent to you via email within minutes.
To register the application and unlock all its functionality and remove the nag screen press on the "Register" button (1).
PDF Page Counter - Register - Buy
Then in the registration screen enter the registration code in the text box and press on the "Register" button (1).
