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Free JPG to PDF Converter IconHow to Use - Free JPG to PDF Converter

Free for personal and commercial use

How to convert JPG to PDF

Free JPG to PDF Converter - Main Screen

To convert JPG to PDF, add the images and then press on the "Convert JPG to PDF" button.

To add JPG or other type of images :

Press on the "Add" button of the main screen and then select the images files you want to add. You can also press on the "Add Folder" button to add the entire contents of specific folders.

You can also drag-and-drop images or folders with image files to add them.

To remove an image from the list, select it on the grid and then press the "Remove" button. To clear all images from the list select the "Clear" menu item from the "Edit" menu.

How to import list of images

To import a list of images press on the "Import List" button of the toolbar.

One image file path should be on each line of the list file.


You can also specify that the generated PDF document retains the original file timestamp of the first image file.

To do that, check the "Retain Timestamp" checkbox.

Moreover, you can specify to explore the generated PDF document when the conversion process has finished.

To do that, check "Explore Output Document on Finish" checkbox of the "Options" menu.

How to sort documents

To sort images by Filename select on the "Sort By" menu "Filename".

You can also sort by full file path, date and size.

Check the number string sorting to sort strings correctly that with numbers and also check "Sort in Descending Order" to sort in descending order.

How to copy, paste images and reorder them

To copy and paste images on the list select them and then press on the "Copy" or "Paste" button.

To reorder them select them on the list and then press on the "Move Up" or "Move Down" button of the toolbar.

Option "Create one PDF document for each folder and subfolders"

To create one PDF document for each folder and subfolders. For example, if folder A has subfolders B,C,D with images in them then the application will create three PDF documents B.pdf,C.pdf,D.pdf in folder A with the images.

Option "Create one PDF document for each root folder"

To create one PDF document for each root folder. For example, if folder A has subfolders B,C,D with images in them then the application will create one PDF document A.pdf in the parent folder of A with all the images.

Final step to convert JPG to PDF

Finally, to convert JPG to PDF press on the "Convert JPG to PDF" button of the toolbar, specify the output PDF file and wait for the application to do its job.

In the end, the generated PDF file will be selected in Windows Explorer.

How to change user interface language

When the application is first started it asks you for your desired user interface language.

You can also change the user interface language from the "Language" menu.

Command Line Usage

Free JPG to PDF Converter can also be executed from the command line.

Therefore, it can be included in scripts and batch files.

Convert JPG and other type of Images to PDF document.

FreeJPGToPDFConverter.exe [file|directory]

cmd : use the command line
file : one or more Microsoft Word documents to be processed.
directory : one or more directories containing files to be processed.
outputfile : (optional) the combined Word document output filepath.
keeptimestamp : (optional) keep document timestamp.
documentsize : Document Size
DOCUMENT_SIZE_VALUE: 0=Original Size,1=A4,2=US Letter
orientation : Document Orientation
ORIENTATION_VALUE: 0=Portrait,1=Landscape,2=Auto
MARGIN_VALUE : 0=Small Margin,1=Big Margin,2=No Margin
imagealigment : Image Alignemtn
IMAGE_ALIGNMENT_VALUE : 0=Middle Center,1=Top Center,2=Bottom Center,3=Middle Left,4=Top Left,5=Bottom Left,6=Middle Right,7=Top Right,8=Bottom Right
/? : show help

Example :
FreeJPGToPDFConverter.exe "c:\\images\\images1.jpg" "c:\\images\\images2.jpg" "c:\\images\\images3.jpg" /outputfile:"c:\\documents\\images.pdf" /documentsize:0 /orientation:0 /margin:1

