Shareware and Freeware Open Source Windows Software Applications and Free Online Tools

Active Computer Usage Time Tracker IconActive Computer Usage Time Tracker V2.6

Active Computer Usage Time Tracker - Software Applications Usage Time Tracker

Main Screen - Track and get Reports of Computer and Software Applications usage of you, your employees or children over the network.
Free for personal and commercial use
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Time tracker for active usage time

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Track the time only when you are actually using your computer

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Track the computer usage time of you, your employees or children

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Track the software application usage of you, your employees or children

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Get monthly, weekly or daily reports for computer usage time

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Get monthly, weekly or daily reports for software applications usage

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Get reports for you, your employees, your children or others on the network

Report Screen - Track the time only when you are actually using your computer
Report Screen - Track the time only when you are actually using your computer
Detailed Application Usage Report - Track the software application usage of you, your employees or children
Detailed Application Usage Report - Track the software application usage of you, your employees or children
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Quickly check computer usage time for today for health reasons

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Add comments for each day - can be used also as a time sheet application

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See average usage time, average computer usage start and end time

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See top 10 used applications and usage time for monthly, weekly reports

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Export reports to CSV and Excel format

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Set administrator password

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Automatically start the application on Windows Startup hidden

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Prevent unauthorized termination of the application

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Multilingual and translated into 39 different languages

System Requirements
Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, 2003 and XP. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions

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Do you want to track the time that you, your children or employees are actively using your computer ? Do you want to ensure that your children, employees, or even yourself are not wasting your time on the computer and check and get a monthly, weekly or daily report of which applications they are using and when ? Do you want to get a monthly, weekly or daily report of how long your children, employees, yourself are actively using their computer and the start and end time of the computer usage ? Do you want to be able to quickly check for how long you are using computer today so that you can set yourself or to your children limits of computer usage for health or other reasons ?

Then try Active Computer Usage Time Tracker which is a time tracker for active computer usage i.e. the active time is calculated when you press a key on your keyboard or use your mouse and also is a time tracker for software applications usage

You can also use Active Computer Usage Time Tracker as a time sheet application since you can add comments to each day and see for how long you used your computer on each day.

One important feature of Active Computer Usage Time Tracker is that you can install it also on other computers and an administrator can track the active computer usage of other computers (belonging to employees, children e.t.c.) on the network.

You can also specify to automatically start the application on Windows Startup hidden and prevent its unauthorized termination.

You can also set an administrator password so that only administrators can change options of the application and view the reports for all users.

Moreover, with Active Computer Usage Time Tracker you can export the reports of user computer usage to CSV and Excel format so that they can be used elsewhere.

The application is also multilingual and translated into 39 different languages.

If you have ever looked for an application to track the time you, your employees or children are actively using their computer then try Active Computer Usage Time Tracker.

What's New in Version 1.0:
Initial release.

Please note that maybe you have to consider also possible privacy issues before installing it on other computers.